Acupuncture - Deep-Needle Eye Therapy

Deep-Needle Eye Therapy is a special type of acupuncture. It may be beneficial to many complex ophthalmic diseases such as severe myopia, glaucoma, eye floaters, dry eyes, cataracts, retinopathy, macular degeneration etc. During the last few years, Dr. Zhao has been using Deep-Needle Eye Therapy to treat some of the better-known eye disorders such as Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP), Glaucoma, and M... Read More

Deep-Needle Eye Therapy is a special type of acupuncture. It may be beneficial to many complex ophthalmic diseases such as severe myopia, glaucoma, eye floaters, dry eyes, cataracts, retinopathy, macular degeneration etc.
During the last few years, Dr. Zhao has been using Deep-Needle Eye Therapy to treat some of the better-known eye disorders such as Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP), Glaucoma, and Macular Degeneration. Most of her patients have shown measurable improvement and acknowledge that Deep-Needle Eye Therapy is an effective means of managing their chronic and degenerative eye diseases.
For those who are afraid of using Deep-Needle Eye Therapy, Dr. Zhao avoids needles in the eye socket; rather, she chooses related acupuncture points in limbs, abdomen etc. to treat eye disorders and vision loss. She also includes the use of oral formulations of herbs in varying combinations known to improve the eyes.

Traditional Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture

Traditional Chinese Medicine has been employed successfully to treat millions of patients over thousands of years. Dr. Zhao and Dr. Wang are inspired by the most ancient oriental wisdom and their ways to heal illness and maintain health. Traditional Chinese Medicine is an effective way not only to treat symptoms, but to boost immune systems and help eradicate the roots of the presenting problem... Read More

Traditional Chinese Medicine has been employed successfully to treat millions of patients over thousands of years. Dr. Zhao and Dr. Wang are inspired by the most ancient oriental wisdom and their ways to heal illness and maintain health. Traditional Chinese Medicine is an effective way not only to treat symptoms, but to boost immune systems and help eradicate the roots of the presenting problem.
Dr. Zhao and Dr. Wang create a personalized treatment best suited to each of their patient’s needs. For example, they developed unique herbal capsules and herbal tea bags that are more pleasant tasting and easier to take when compared to traditional ‘herbal soups’. They also use hot herbal compresses to treat pain, and help alleviate stiff muscles, stress, migraines, and injuries to the deep tissue of the skin, numbness in joints, poor circulation and rheumatoid arthritis.

Registered Massage Therapy

Registered Massage Therapists (RMTs) in British Columbia are Complementary Health Care Providers that use hands on techniques to help restore, and maintain the body's optimum job: Keeping you moving ! RMTs use a variety of massage techniques to aid in the healing of injuries, and help to alleviate the stress and scar tissue associated with the repetitive nature of our day to day lives. Our Mass... Read More

Registered Massage Therapists (RMTs) in British Columbia are Complementary Health Care Providers that use hands on techniques to help restore, and maintain the body's optimum job: Keeping you moving ! RMTs use a variety of massage techniques to aid in the healing of injuries, and help to alleviate the stress and scar tissue associated with the repetitive nature of our day to day lives. Our Massage Therapists is REGISTERED meaning that you can submit a portion of the cost of your treatment to your Extended Health Care Provider.

Daniel graduated from West Coast College of Massage Therapy in 2010 and was presented the Joe Koscak Memorial Award for exemplifying integrity, passion, perseverance, a passionate heart and a caring soul. Daniel also completed his Registered Acupuncture Certification and is also a Registered Acupuncturist RAc. To further expand his knowledge in health care, Daniel embarked on the journey of a four-year Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Doctor program in PCU College of Holistic Medicine in 2011. Thus, his knowledge encompasses not only trigger points in muscles, but acupoints and meridian lines in the body. Daniel believes that massage and acupuncture complement each other exceptionally. So in his spare time he busies himself with increasing his knowledge of acupoints and reading TCM classics. Daniel believes that health care must incorporate a degree of art into its science to truly be effective for the individual. Daniel will strive to relieve your pain and stress with his skillful hands, and a caring soul.

Daniel graduated from West Coast College of Massage Therapy in 2010 and was presented the Joe Kos... Read More

Dr. Anna Zhao is a registered Acupuncturist, a registered TCMP (Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner), and a doctor of TCM. She uses Traditional healing methods, such as tuina, acupuncture, herbs and Qigong to treat patients. She studied in Malaysia, under the guidance of Dr. Xie Qi (a world renowned TCM Ophthalmologist), where she learned Deep Needle Eye Therapy to treat a wide range of eye conditions including macular degeneration, glaucoma, eye floaters, dry eyes, cataracts and much more.

Besides ophthalmology, Dr. Anna Zhao has a keen interest in internal medicine, such as digestive, respiratory, gynecological, skin diseases, migraines, diabetes, hypertension syndrome, sleep disorders, emotional conditions, pain management and cancer. She also deals with trauma-related complaints including acute injury with swelling, acute soft-tear injuries, muscle strain, wounds, and chronic pain following trauma. Non-traumatic pain conditions will include arthritis, lower back pain, sciatic pain, knee pain, and neck pain. While Dr. Zhao strongly believes that it is necessary to treat symptoms, it is even more important to boost the immune system and help eradicate the roots of the problem.

Following an overview of the etiology and pathophysiology of the various conditions, Dr. Zhao often combines acupuncture, herbs, and Qigong as part of the overall treatment. All these methods are meant to address imbalances inside the body, with the overall goal of opening up blocked energy and helping balance out meridians.

For chronic conditions, the patient usually gets treatment once or twice per week until they see sufficient results.

For patients afraid of needles, Dr. Zhao uses a variety of non-invasive techniques, such as Acupressure, Tuina (a Chinese form of Massage), Qigong (a Chinese form of meditation and yoga), Cupping, ear seeds(based on reflexology), and heat herbal compresses to promote the flow of blood and energy. She is also experienced in pediatrics, having worked with children for many years in the past.

Dr. Zhao believes that external treatments aid people in their healing, but real healing takes place within oneself. If employed wisely and constructively, our mental force can play a significant role in our healing and therefore the healing process can be dramatically shortened. That is why Dr. Zhao followed some famous masters, and learned Qigong and some regenerative therapies for treating complicated diseases. Her objective is that through the addition of these creative therapeutic methods, she helps you learn to tap your own healing potential, until you ultimately discover harmony in life, and reach the balanced state between yin and yang that is often referred to in traditional Chinese medicine.

Dr. Zhao is also a published writer; over the last ten years, under the penname Kongyin, two of her spiritual juvenile fictions (Gooby and the Dream-walker and Sun Grass) were published in South Africa. Much of her poetry on healing, in a variety of languages, was published in China and Canada. She had her own poetry column in two Chinese newspapers: Vancouver Weekly and Toronto Weekly.

Whether you are seeking health, a life purpose, a breaking-away from old habits, or a better understanding of who you are, Dr. Zhao will be here for you in a most caring, empathetic, and supportive way.

Dr. Anna Zhao is a registered Acupuncturist, a registered TCMP (Traditional Chinese Medicine Prac... Read More

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